The MedNet Group of Companies is the umbrella organization for currently more than 6 (six) Nassau-based individually incorporated companies which offer a spectrum of healthcare professional and practice management services. The MedNet Group was established in 1991 with the birth of Surgical Associates Ltd by its President and owner, Dr. Charles William Diggiss. 1991 – 96 saw the development of Emergency Physician services and Surgery at Doctors Hospital by Dr. Diggiss. TEMS Ltd was created in 1996 to exclusively provide 24/7 ER physician services @ Doctors Hospital.
MedNet Holdings Ltd. functions as the Corporate Office at #182 A Shirley St and providing corporate guidance for the other companies within the MedNet Group.
As the core of the MedNet Group, MedNet Holdings Ltd comprises Ms. A Dillet – corporate finance and Ms. S Fox legal counsel. Mr. Royston Jones provides financial and accounting consultancy services. Dr. Livingston Malcolm manages the Centreville Medical Centre complex and functions as the Chief Operating Officer. MDA and associates (Michael Diggiss) provides property consultancy and management services to the portfolio of commercial and residential real estate holdings of the group.

When Dr. Diggiss incorporated his first company, Surgical Associates Ltd in 1991, he had just shifted his main surgical practice to the ER at Doctors Hospital. He became the first Director of Emergency services @ Doctors Hospital in 1989. Since signing a contract in 1991 for 24/7 ‘uninterrupted’ ER Physician services at Doctors Hospital with Mr. Barry Rassin, now 27 years later TEMS Ltd has continued to do exactly that: provide uninterrupted ER Physician services!

Amidst this backdrop Surgical Associates Ltd. was also established and its first full-time employee was Ms. Stephanie Sweeting – now a patient services manager @ the Surgical Suite. Mrs. Orville Maura (nee Diggiss) initially became involved on a part time basis in billing and accounts management and would later come into the organization on a full-time basis. Eventually, with Dr. Diggiss’ assistance, Healthcare Coding Billings and Collections (HCBCS Ltd) was birthed.

From the mid 90’s to the present Dr. Diggiss was involved with the creation of multiple companies: an additional 20 (twenty) by his recall. Today, perhaps only 5 (five) remain viable and active. Innovative Loss Solutions (ILS) Ltd, First Care Training Services (FCTS) Ltd, Transformative Leadership Institute (TLI) Ltd, SurgAssist Ltd, Healthcare Solutions Ltd, (New) Biomed Ltd, are all a few examples of what Dr Diggiss fondly describes as his ‘experience MBA’ of failed companies.

Dr. Diggiss also established a practice at Centreville Medical Centre in 1993 – The Surgical Suite under another company, Surgical Partners Ltd. Dr. Locksley Munroe, (now of Southern Community General Clinic) and Dr. Diggiss remained the mainstay of this practice for the next fifteen (15) years. The late, Dr. David Serson, Brazillian Plastic Surgeon; Dr. James Lee, U.S.-based Orthopedic Surgeon practiced from this location. Now the Surgical Suite boasts the full complement of surgeons and practitioners including: Dr. Diggiss, Dr. Theodore Ferguson, Dr. Ross Downes, Dr. Ashaini Knowles, Dr. Greggory Pinto and Dr. Nina Graham.

Today, The Surgical Suite is managed by Mrs. Charlene Mcphee, a longtime RN of the practice. A ‘women of faith’, Nurse Mcphee has extended herself tremendously in this practice from living in Spanish Wells in the early 90’s and managing the practice located there to rising to Executive Directorship of the organization ‘Sister, Sister’ (co-founded by Dr. Diggiss). Dr. Diggiss notes that Nurse McPhee (nee Diggiss) always applied her best talents: caring and compassion.

At Doctors Hospital, Dr. Diggiss immersed himself in the vision of that organization. In the 90’s his involvement progressed to include shareholder, Chair of Risk Management, CMO, Director (Board of Directors). Dr. Diggiss introduced Laparoscopy in General Surgery at Doctors Hospital in 1994. In 1997/8 and again in 2008, he(re-)introduced Laparoscopic Bariatric procedures (LapBand surgery). Today, Dr Diggiss enjoys his surgical twilight with the ‘signature’ operation: the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy for Obesity.
In late 2016 Dr Diggiss was appointed the President & CMO of Doctors Hospital and continues in that position today.
Dr. Diggiss is especially proud of his trusted Assistant Clinical Director, Burn and Wound Care Specialist, Dr. James Iferenta who currently runs the Emergency Physician Services. Since the 90’s and now going on more than 25 years, Dr. Iferenta has displayed a loyalty and allegiance to ‘the MedNet Way’ and, is poised to succeed Dr. Diggiss in the MedNet group.

Wound Care was taken to another level in The Bahamas with the developments introduced by Dr. Iferenta and his team of specialist at Doctors Hospital. TEMS Ltd rapidly developed to become the ‘flagship’ entity in the MedNet Group. With active investment in the education of medical students, student physicians (Physician Assistants), ER residents and Board Certified EM specialists, TEMS Ltd IS the entity through which the MedNet vision is most espoused: investing in the future human resources needs of the MedNet Group.

In fact, the Student Physician Assistance Program of TEMS Ltd (in conjunction with the STEP –summer temporary employment program – which Dr. Diggiss also founded in Doctors Hospital) is notable in that selected medical students pre-internship physicians and post graduate trainees/residents receive mentorship, job placement, clinical attachments and financial support to facilitate their completion of qualifying and return to contribute in the various professional capacities in the provision of healthcare in the Bahamas. Since inception in 1995 this program has extended financially in excess of one million dollars ($1M) in assistance to student physicians and residents, a number of whom now work within the MedNet Group.

While establishing his own companies, Dr. Diggiss’ vision extended to include developments within Doctors Hospital such as the creation of the Western Medical Plaza, Blake Road, New Providence and ‘Doctors Hospital vision’ of the late 90’s.

Dr. Diggiss still believes that an integral part of any successful strategy to ‘control’ healthcare costs involves aligning the incentives/motivations of the providers – physicians and hospital, the payers – insurers and, the expectations of patients. Meeting patient’s ‘unrealistic’ expectations will be costly, so having ‘difficult’ conversations about the ‘limit’ of healthcare provided is promoted within the MedNet group as its philosophy.

Dr. Diggiss defines ‘The MedNet Way’ as the strategy which creates success; Purpose, preparation, persistence and patience are all invaluable in getting to the ‘right move, right time, right place, with the right people’. Dr. Diggiss is forever grateful for the relationship he developed with Mr. Barry Rassin. Though Doctors Hospital saw its growth and success as a result of the efforts and work of key physicians, Dr. Diggiss maintains that it was, and to a great extent still is the support and facilitation of Mr. Barry Rassin which ‘went miles’ to energize the specialists to realize their greatest potential in Doctors Hospital. Dr. Diggiss is especially grateful that ‘Mr. Rassin’ never saw the need to be an impediment to his professional, administrative, business and entrepreneurial expansion within and ‘outwith’ Doctors Hospital.

HCBCS (Healthcare, Coding, Billings and Collections) Ltd. was borne out of Surgical Associates Ltd. During the 2000’s as Dr. Diggiss elevated his shared ownership and responsibility philosophy to loyal members of the MedNet Group. Mrs. Orville Maura and Mrs. Linda McDonald became principals in their company with the balance of shares in The MedNet group. Today, this company remains pioneering in effective billing and both principals are members/instructors in good standing with the American Associated of Professional Coders (AAPC).

In 2011, Dr. Diggiss began the course of study for certification as an arbitrator with the British Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CiArb) to prepare for this option in ‘Life after Surgery’: Alternative Dispute Resolutions Methods. Dr. Diggiss is especially interested in, and is completing the certifications for International Arbitration.

HealthSmart choices Ltd was developed in 2008 to launch the comprehensive weight management program; RiteWeigh. Involving fitness/wellness consultant and primary care physician, Dr. Diggiss formally embarked on the battle against obesity.

The ‘new’ Centreville Medical Centre effectively became an acquisition in 2011 and has joined the family of The MedNet Group. A number of related MedNet Group companies have become tenants at this location as well as a spectrum of specialists services and programs.

Dr. Diggiss measures his success in life by the extent to which he is able to ignite a spark to ‘greatness’ ineach shared life experience. He believes that he is ‘here to make a difference’ in many lives. He takes his mentorship role very seriously and like a father, he facilitates the explosion of potential in all of the students who come into The MedNet family as they all stretch to reach and exceed the bar that is set. Dr. Diggiss is always proud and fulfilled to have had the opportunity to contribute in positive and significant ways to enriching the lives of others.

Promoting family as a priority, Dr. Diggiss takes the time with his wife Ciara to remain ‘involved’ with the lives and activities of their children. He believes that the ‘message’ begins at home: the MedNet family has become another home.


Programme SURE-VISIT
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Dominica Project Report (March 2018)
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